Sponsor us

Sponsor us by organising a society social in our cinema.

Film Unit is a student cinema and we are eager to forge strong bonds within our student community, providing a service that everyone can enjoy.

If you are part of a society or committee, a visit to the cinema works as an amazing alcohol-free society social, and an affordable option for your whole group with our discount prices, or as prizes for competitions.

Sponsoring one of our screenings is also a great way to reach more of the student body and increase exposure for your group. This helps us publicise our screenings, get bigger audience numbers and raise the funds to buy licences for more amazing movies.

How does it work?

In order to sponsor a screening you simply purchase 10 or more tickets for the film of your choice, using our bulk ticket-purchase discounts. This is arranged with our Societies and special shows officer.

Advertise at our screening

In exchange, your society, committee or group get to advertise with Film Unit.

You will get a slide of your own design for your society, eg, saying who you are, your events, date of meet-ups, why people should join. This is displayed before the screening with our other adverts.

You can also make handouts related to your society which we hand-out at our screenings. We will give you mentions in our publicity for the event and a chance for you to give a short speech at the beginning of the screening, or a shout-out in the House Manager's speech.

Get in touch

All of this is arranged with our Societies and special screenings officer, no less than three days before your desired screening. The officer can be contacted via email at film.unit@sheffield.ac.uk and a short meeting can easily be set up.

Bulk discounts

The discounts for bulk tickets are also available for private groups. Contact us if you’d like more information about getting a group discount.