Fire officers

Ensuring that our auditorium complies with safety regulations is an integral part of running screenings. We entrust this to our fire officers, the first level of staff role above ushering.

Sign up for training

It takes three training sessions to qualify as a fire officer. If you are interested in this role, join our Film Unit House Staff Facebook page. Put your name in the column for the screening you wish to train on, and make sure you arrive at 18:45.

NOTE: We recommend ushering at a few screenings before progressing onto Fire Officer training.

Your role

As the audience enters, they are also responsible for ensuring visitors are aware of safety regulations and keeping aisles clear. The hardest part of this role can be holding your ground as you explain a rule, or why an item cannot be brought into the auditorium. Finally, if there is a fire, the fire officer makes sure our projectionist evacuates (projectionists are notoriously stubborn).

The benefits

Once you are qualified, you get a complimentary seat to every film we show. This is in addition to getting in free to any film you work at. If you work a screening you can get a friend in for free.